Portugal Residence Permit by Investment Program

Why and How to Become a Resident of Portugal
The Portugal Golden Residence Permit Program
A. General Requirements:
Maintain the investment for a minimum period of 5 years
Spend a minimum of seven days in Portugal during the first year, then not less than 14 days in each subsequent 2-year period
B. Available investment options:
Transfer of capital of at least €1,000,000
Creation of at least 10 jobs.*
Acquisition of real estate with a value of at least €500,000.*
Acquisition of real estate with construction completed at least 30 years ago or located in an urban rehabilitation area, with the execution of rehabilitation works. The minimum investment is €350,000.*
Transfer of capital of at least €350,000, invested in research carried out by public or private scientific research institutions that are part of the national scientific and technological system.*
Transfer capital of at least €250,000, as investment or support for artistic production, or recovery or maintenance of national cultural heritage.*
Transfer capital of at least €350,000, destined to acquire units in investment or venture capital funds aimed at providing capital to companies that meet certain requirements.
Transfer capital of at least €350,000, to incorporate or increase the share capital of a company with registered office in Portugal, together with the creation of five permanent jobs, for a period of three years.
*The threshold will be reduced by 20% should the funds be committed to a low population density area, defined as less than 100 inhabitants per km² or with a GDP per capita below 75% of the national average.
The residence permit is valid for a period of one year after issue and renewable for two subsequent periods of two years.
Eligibility for citizenship after five years
Family reunification is possible.
Portugal V&V
June 2020
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